Sustainable Agro-Based Livelihood Project
Project Location : Block: Namkhana and Patharpratima
Total Staff : Project Coordinator-1, Accountant: 1, Supervisor: 1, Animator: 4
Beneficiaries : People of 14 villages of Namkhana and 13 villages of Pathar Pratima Block in the District of South 24
The project is located at 27 villages in Namhkana and Patharpratima Block in Sundarbans Island. The area is much prone to cyclonic storm due to the close proximity to the Bay of Bengal. The Main occupation of the area is agriculture and allied activities which is damages by frequent food and cyclone.
The aim of the project is to restore “Agriculture Based Livelihood” for the marginal Farmers by promoting climate resilient agriculture towards food security and also means of balanced nutrition to 1000 malnourished children.
The project activities work as remedial therapy to 2400 marginal farmers family who are socially & economically marginalized in the coastal disaster-prone area of Patharpratima and Namkhana Blocks in the Sundarban. Targeted family are links with Government and accesses resources/entitlements.
Major Achievements
- Altogether 20 Farmers Group have been form consisting of 400 members. 50% of the farmers access Government entitlements like Kishan Credit Card,
Krishak Bondhu, Crop Insurance etc. - Two varieties of Mango, Lemon and Coconut Seedling distributed to 300 marginal Families in order to promote Agri-horticulture activities in project operational area. The 12 verities of Vegetable seeds distributed to 500 marginal families to promote Nutrition Garden in order to access vegetables and fruits for their own and surplus sells to local market.
- Two seed banks have been formed in project operational area in order to preserve the traditional Seeds as climate change adoptive agriculture.
- Altogether 80 Green Net distributed to poor and marginalized betel vine farmers for repairing their betel vine which was damaged by Cyclone ‘Yaas’. Dry Food packets distributed to 1000 families as to contribute towards Food Security and Balance Nutrition to the children.
Mukulika Samanta
Family Background: Mukulika Samanta, is 47 years woman resides at shipnanar village in Namkhana Block in the District of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal. Her husband, Pallab Samanta is an agricultural laborer somehow managing their survivals.
Support Received from Project : Mukulika Samanta received “Vegetable Seeds” to promote backyard vegetable farming. She also received and planted fruits saplings and grows 12 verities of vegetable at her kitchen garden. This small endeavor supports their daily needs of vegetable and surplus vegetables sold to add some income. Furthermore, the Dry Food Packet contributed essential commodities for few days, easing their shortages of food.
Gratitude : Mukulika Samanta is now very much happy to get the benefits. She is also very thankful to PUS & CEI. Her unwavering spirit and hard work are an inspiration to all her neighbors.
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To build a just society where all live in harmony with nature enhancing for dignity, peace, love and equality.
Office time: 09:00 am to 5 pm (Monday to Friday)
Address:Fr. Saumen Malik Palli Unnayan Samiti Baruipur C/o Bishop's House, Baruipur, Kolkata-700144
Phone:033 2437 8319 / 7890331745