• 033 2437 8319 / 7890331745
  • pus.baruipur@gmail.com
Palli Unnayan Samiti Baruipur
( Social Service Society of the Catholic Diocese of Baruipur )
শুধুমাত্র আর্থিক স্বচ্ছলতা উন্নতির সব কথা নয়, মানুষের মানসিকতার উন্নতি, মূল্যবোধ এবং সমাজ চেতনাই প্রকৃত উন্নতির পরিচয় দেয়

Payel Debnath

Case Study of Payel Debnath
Payel Debnath a 16 years girl lives in South Mallikati village in Canning II block under the district of South 24 Parganas. Her family consists of 4 members; they are two sisters and their parents. Payel studying in class IX in Bodra Balika Biddyalaya. Her father is an agricultural labour and mother is homemaker. Her younger sister is 13 years and studied in class VIII. Her father earns little and somehow managing their survival.

On 5th June 2014, Payel was not found at home, her father came to CVC for help and made missing dairy in Canning II police station with the consultation of project personal. Very soon, it is been found that Payel made love affairs with Bapi Mondal only over the cell phone; they could not even see each other. Bapi Mondal lives in Chandanneswar area, which is 10 kilometers far from Payel’s house.

Bapi made a false promise of marriage and brought her in Chennai city in Tamilnadu. He about to sale her in a brothel but could not success for a little moment she escaped. Prolay Mandal a Bengali man found a girl speaking in Bengali and asking for help on footpath in Chennai city. Prolay took attention to the girl as she was speaking in Bengali. Payel told the story of her trafficking to Prolay; the well-wisher.

Immediately, Prolay Mandal contract to Payel’s family over the cell phone and convey the message of her recovery in Chennai city. Payel’s father went to Chennai city associate with Local police for her recovery. Finally she has been recovered and back to her house with the help of police.

At present, her family is very happy and grateful to Anti Trafficking Project for proper counseling and advocacy for the recovery of Payel Devnath.

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    To build a just society where all live in harmony with nature enhancing for dignity, peace, love and equality.

    Office time: 09:00 am to 5 pm (Monday to Friday)

    • Address:Fr. Saumen Malik Palli Unnayan Samiti Baruipur C/o Bishop's House, Baruipur, Kolkata-700144

    • Phone:033 2437 8319 / 7890331745

    • Email: pus.baruipur@gmail.com