• 033 2437 8319 / 7890331745
  • pus.baruipur@gmail.com
Palli Unnayan Samiti Baruipur
( Social Service Society of the Catholic Diocese of Baruipur )
শুধুমাত্র আর্থিক স্বচ্ছলতা উন্নতির সব কথা নয়, মানুষের মানসিকতার উন্নতি, মূল্যবোধ এবং সমাজ চেতনাই প্রকৃত উন্নতির পরিচয় দেয়


Title of the Project: Establishment of Responsive Civil Society through Animation and Empowerment

Background and context of the Project
Indian Sundarban region is located between 21o32 AND – 22o40’ N and 88o00’ E – 89o00’ E. It has the boundary of Hooghly River in the west; Ichamati, Kalindi, Gosaba rivers in the east; Dampier -Hodges line in the north and Bay of Bengal in the south. The whole tract reaches inland for 100-130 km. It encloses marshy islands covered with dense forests. Many rare or endangered species live here, including tigers, aquatic mammals, birds and reptiles. The region has 102 islands out of which 54 are inhabited.

The project area under Sundarbans is situated in two more economically vulnerable Gram Panchayets under Gosaba block in the district of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal. It is worthy of mention here that the targeted 15 villages in the proposed intervention lies six feet below sea level. Major distributaries of River Ganges like Matla, Bidyadhari, Gosaba, Saptamukhi, and Durgadoani criss-cross the area and these rivers frequently overflow its banks. Also, the average depth of the rivers is below 5 metres.

Main livelihood scope of this area is agriculture and fishing in the rivers & during the monsoon period. But after the “Aila” cyclone, the soil salinity has highly increased in this area, therefore the agriculture productivity has been drastically decreased and maximum agricultural land has turned barren. After the paddy harvesting and vegetable cultivation they have no scope for other livelihood, also the Panchayet activities and Government schemes is not enough to fulfill the basic amenities of the community. Therefore in order to have sufficient income to meet family daily needs the community people are going outside (Andaman & Nichobar, Mumbai, Gujrat, Kerala, Krishnagar, Burdwan and etc.) for hunting their jobs. Hence, the rate of migration is gradually increasing day by day.

Description of the programme areas
Proposed 15 villages under two most economically vulnerable gram Panchayets viz. Pathankhali and Bipradaspur under Gosaba block in the Sundarbans (Largest Mangrove Forest in the World)  are more vulnerable In-terms of natural calamity & livelihoods etc.  Major distributaries of River Ganges like Matla, Bidyadhari, Gosaba, Karatal and Hogol. Main livelihood of these areas is agriculture. Fishing, Minn collecting (Seedling of prawn) from the river, honey and wax collection from the forests are the supporting livelihood of the people. After the cyclone “Aila” whole agricultural land of Sundarbans was flooded by the saline water of the Bay of Bengal. Measures are taken to increase the fertility of the soil by promoting organic manure.

Issues and challenges in the proposed Districts
The inhabitants in these areas are economically backward with fishing and agriculture as the main occupation. The ‘Aila’ Cyclone has aggravated economic conditions. The land has turned unsuitable for cultivation due to salinity of the soil. People have migrated to other regions for livelihood. Scope of alternative livelihood has been restricted.

305 (70% of 450 HH) Marginalized households of 15 villages in Gosaba block of South 24 Parganas District in West Bengal have ensured sustainable livelihood opportunities through organic farming and by attaining their legitimate rights and entitlements.


  • Basic Rights & Entitlements:  305 (70% of 450 HH) marginalized families of 15 villages under Pathankhali & Bipradaspur G.Ps in Gosaba block of South 24 parganas District in West Bengal will have 50 % increase in accessing  various Government schemes by the end of March 2017.
  • Livelihood: 360 (80% of 450) Marginalized households of 15 villages under Pathankhali & Bipradaspur G.Ps in Gosaba block of South 24 parganas District in West Bengal will have increased income up to 50% through sustainable agriculture and other livelihood options by the end of March 2017.
  • Institutional Development: PUS Baruipur in West Bengal will have operational systems and procedures related to institutional development (HR/Gender/Finance/PME) and have enhanced their performance in facilitating linkages, leveraging resources by community by the end of March 2017.
  • 16 local CBOs have been Identified and Strengthened.
  • 66 Families have received House under IAY Schemes.
  • 139 Families have received “ Rastriya Sastha Bima Yojana”.( Health insurance )
  • 59 Pregnant Mothers have received Janani Suraskha Yojana ( maternity benefit) .
  • 67 Families have received latrine from Nirmal Bangla under Clean India Mission.
  • 162 Families applied for benefit under SASPFUW (State Assisted Scheme of Provident Fund For Unorganized Workers) and 44 families have accessed.
  • 56 widows applied for widow pension scheme, out of them 34 have accessed the scheme.
  • 59 applied for NOAP (old age pension scheme), out of that 36 old age people are receiving for old age Pension.
  • 35 farmers groups have been formed and linked with Agriculture department, out of those 8 groups opened bank account to access subsidies Loan agriculture loan under Kisan Credit Card.
  • 670 Farmers from project location are linked with Block Agriculture Department Office under Gosaba Block. They have received seeds, Fertilizers, pesticide, vitamin for croups and vegetable, agricultural appliances, vermin compost kit for organic farming.
  • Exposure visit have been organized for 35 farmers group, 1 representative from each farmer group have selected and visited Mosjitbati area observe “Alchas”
  • 192 farmers tested soil to identify real deficiency disorder for different croups & vegetable with the support of ADO Gosaba and they will use the test value and follow up for next crop.
  • 78 families are practicing nutrition garden after the training.
  • 61 families are practicing multi cropping after the training.
  • 76 families are using organic manure from their own organic pit.
  • 22 farmers are practicing multi cropping through ‘Alchas’ method.
  • 34 farmers have been demonstrated SRI (System of Rice Intensification), now they are practicing the same during “Amon” season.
  • The project personnel have been organized 9 Cattle vaccination camps with the support of livestock department Gosaba. Altogether 919 cows, 370 goats, 159 sheeps, 434 poultry birds (hen & Duck) have been vaccinated.
  • Palli Unnayan Samiti Baruipur has Human Resource Policy, Finance Policy, Gender Policy and Child Protection Policy.

Get In Touch With Us

    Send us an e-mail or call us

    To build a just society where all live in harmony with nature enhancing for dignity, peace, love and equality.

    Office time: 09:00 am to 5 pm (Monday to Friday)

    • Address:Fr. Saumen Malik Palli Unnayan Samiti Baruipur C/o Bishop's House, Baruipur, Kolkata-700144

    • Phone:033 2437 8319 / 7890331745

    • Email: pus.baruipur@gmail.com