• 033 2437 8319 / 7890331745
  • pus.baruipur@gmail.com
Palli Unnayan Samiti Baruipur
( Social Service Society of the Catholic Diocese of Baruipur )
শুধুমাত্র আর্থিক স্বচ্ছলতা উন্নতির সব কথা নয়, মানুষের মানসিকতার উন্নতি, মূল্যবোধ এবং সমাজ চেতনাই প্রকৃত উন্নতির পরিচয় দেয়

Women & Child Protection

Title of the Project: Women and Child Protection against Abuse & Violence

Project Background: Women and children abuse is very common in our project operational area. Most of the time women are abused as domestic violence, physical and mental torture at work place as child labour and also for commercial sexual exploitation which is an organized crime that violates basic human rights. India has emerged as a source, destination and transit for both in-country and cross border trafficking. The problem of trafficking women and children for commercial sexual exploitation is especially challenging due to its many complexities and variation. Poverty, low status of women, lack of a protective environment and lack of education and ignorance of important information etc are some of the causes for trafficking of women and child.

As per our working experience in the field of women and child protection, we have gathered the experiences of the root causes of women and protection as follows.
vSevere poverty.
False promises of mirage
High rate of unemployment
Ignorance to take  important information before Migration
Selling  of organ of the body
Making Beggar
Cruel Game
Commercial Sex exploitation
Superstitious beliefs / sacred sacrifice for personal success.  

An approach is needed which will undertake preventive measures for abuse of women and child especially in vulnerable families and to enable rehabilitation & reintegration of the victims.

The aim of the women and child protection programme is to aware community about the consequences of women and child abuse or unsafe migration. Provide them information about the ways to practice safe migration and hence achieve dignified human living. Therefore, the intervention of the project is to take every possible step for prevention to mitigate in implementing the project with the best efforts within our reach. As the project is unfolding vulnerable community to healthier life, we look forward to capacitate to reduce their vulnerability with positive attitude towards the prevention of the women and child abuse, which could be sustainable effect in the society.

Goal:  To reduce the incidents of women violence & child abuse and ensuring safe migration through community based awareness generation, capacity building and networking to stop women violence & child abuse in target villages.

v  To reduce women and child abuse & violence in Basanti and Gosoba Block in South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal.
v To formation and strengthen of Community Vigilance Committee (CVC) & Adolescent Girls Group (AGG) for protection of women and child.
v  Linkage the victimized women and child for access rehabilitation.  
Community people are realized the need and importance of the project
Counseling by the CVC & AGG 58 children are mainstreaming at Class VI to VIII
31 below aged marriage able to stop by the CVC & AGG volunteers
Well rapport building with Panchyat, Police Station, other administration department and NGO & CBO with the CVC
ANM Staff, ICDS Teachers, School Teachers, Doctors, Pradhan, Panchyat members are participate as the resource person of our activities
Adolescent girls are realized the bad effect of below aged marriage
School students are understood about their role & responsibility
SHG members are get registration for access the Govt. Scheme
School girls are protested against sexual harassments


Get In Touch With Us

    Send us an e-mail or call us

    To build a just society where all live in harmony with nature enhancing for dignity, peace, love and equality.

    Office time: 09:00 am to 5 pm (Monday to Friday)

    • Address:Fr. Saumen Malik Palli Unnayan Samiti Baruipur C/o Bishop's House, Baruipur, Kolkata-700144

    • Phone:033 2437 8319 / 7890331745

    • Email: pus.baruipur@gmail.com