• 033 2437 8319 / 7890331745
  • pus.baruipur@gmail.com
Palli Unnayan Samiti Baruipur
( Social Service Society of the Catholic Diocese of Baruipur )
শুধুমাত্র আর্থিক স্বচ্ছলতা উন্নতির সব কথা নয়, মানুষের মানসিকতার উন্নতি, মূল্যবোধ এবং সমাজ চেতনাই প্রকৃত উন্নতির পরিচয় দেয়

SHG Federation

Title of the Project: Formation of SHG Federation among Grass-root Level Organisation for Women. 
Project background: Formation of SHG Federation among grass-root level organization for women is the continuation of the previous project GLOW. It mainly tries to animate the rural women in the remote villages of the district and motivate them to develop their livelihood through the formation of SHG Cluster and federation. There is no doubt that the degree of rural socio-economic condition of any country measured by the livelihood progress of its backward citizens. The main aim of the project is to organize SHG clusters and federation of women who do not have access the means of livelihood. Skill development for better livelihood has given the highest priority as per our diocesan perspective plan. The majority of the women population are exploited right from the womb to the tomb. The social attitudes, traditional practices and outlook of women have shown the exploitation, discrimination and gender inequality. Apparently, the lack of education is the root cause. The domestic violence is widely prevalent in the society and will be eradicated if we could educate the women and make them skills to manage their survival. Enhancing skill sets of the women so as to make them employable.
Goal: Empowerment of women by creating opportunities for the betterment of their socio-economic condition of 60 villages under 7 blocks, South 24 Parganas district  
1. Formation of 1 federation  and 6 clusters of the SHGs
2. To Provide proper information to the SHGs to access the facilities from PRI, Block Live-stock Development Office, Agriculture Development Office and Bank NGO etc. for betterment of their formative stage.
3. Capacitate and empowerment of SHGs women, interns of family up-liftment by socio-economical development through several Meeting, seminars etc within the community. 
1. 569 SHGs have formed and strengthen, out of that 560 SHGs/SGSY are linked with Bank
2. 61 Cluster have formed. Out of 61 Cluster, 46 Cluster linked with the local Panchayet
3. 7 Federation have  formed  in 7  Block
4. 5 Cluster got Government recognition and registration as civil society.
5. Federation have raised community contingences fund for helping poorest families in emergency i.e.  Support for medical treatment, house repairing, support for child education etc.
6. The Clusters assisted 551 people to get new ration card. The ration shop should be open 5 days in a week as per right to food act but they open only for 2 days. So, they made demand to open the ration shop as per the act. Now the ration shops are opened   4 days in a week which is better than earlier and people access their ration and receive fresh food materials.
7. The federation & Cluster took initiative to provide family counselling against domestic violence towards peace building.
8. Cluster & Federation members also presented the present condition of the village in the Gram Sansads meeting (Government Village Development Meeting). Some of the proposed activities presented by the cluster women have been granted for implementation like Social Forestry, Widow Pension, housing, old age pension, install Tub well, Electricity and Road repairing in most backward villages.
9. The cluster & Federation celebrates International Women’s Day, Independence Day, Environment Day,    which shows the unity and integrity of women towards achievement of their rights.  
10. They rescued five trafficked girls with the help of police and local administration        

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    To build a just society where all live in harmony with nature enhancing for dignity, peace, love and equality.

    Office time: 09:00 am to 5 pm (Monday to Friday)

    • Address:Fr. Saumen Malik Palli Unnayan Samiti Baruipur C/o Bishop's House, Baruipur, Kolkata-700144

    • Phone:033 2437 8319 / 7890331745

    • Email: pus.baruipur@gmail.com