Alternative Livelihood to Reduce the Unsafe Migration in Disaster prone area of Sundarban Island
Project Location : Block – Basanti & Gosaba
Total Staff : Project Coordinator: 1, Accountant: 1, Animators: 4, Trainer: 3
Beneficiaries : Disadvantaged & Marginalized Farmers, Women, Girls & Boys
The project addressing challenges faced by marginalized communities residing in the Basanti and Gosaba Blocks of the Sundarbans with a target population of 55322. The area is prone to disasters like floods and cyclones has led to increased insecurity in livelihoods and forced migration. The project promote climate-resilient agriculture; provide Beautician and Computer with Spoken English training to youth and young to mitigate these challenges as development of vocational skill. The nutritional support provided to malnourished children.
Major Achievements
- 20 Farmers group have been formed in 20 target villages comprising 20 members in each group.
- Farmers are slowly understanding to use of Organic manure waiting for demo.
- People are trying to get the schemes benefits from govt.
- Farmers are encouraged to cultivate mono crop to multi cropping.
- 120 youth and young women completed Beautician course content and 23 of them are practicing with earning to add some income to their family.
- 60 youth and young women completed Computer with Spoken English course and few of them starts job in different places.
- Aware about the monetary benefits Government schemes “Kannyashree” & “Rupashree” and criteria to access the benefits that the girls have to complete at least higher secondary education.
Arijit Singh Starts Earning after Computer Training
Background: Arijit Singh lives at Gosaba village under Sundarban in the district of South 24 parganas, West Bengal. He has completed his High Secondary Education from Gosaba High School. He has one elder brother got married and settled separately. His father has expired. Now Arijit Singh lives with his mother. He could not continue for further education due to their poor economic condition.
Support Provided: Arijit Singh had an opportunity to participates the computer course conducted by project at Gosaba. He is learning computer very well.
Result: Besides this computer class, he also is doing part time computer job in a local Press and earning Rs. 200.00 per day. He has a dream to open a Cyber Cafe by his own in near future.
Achievement: He is supporting to his mother for managing their survival. He is very happy as he is start little earning and supporting her family. Arijit and his mother very grateful to Palli Unnayan Samiti Baruipur and Manos Unidas for create this earning opportunity.
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To build a just society where all live in harmony with nature enhancing for dignity, peace, love and equality.
Office time: 09:00 am to 5 pm (Monday to Friday)
Address:Fr. Saumen Malik Palli Unnayan Samiti Baruipur C/o Bishop's House, Baruipur, Kolkata-700144
Phone:033 2437 8319 / 7890331745